Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Infinite Knobs

Lots of stuff going on in the studio, but most interesting right now is The Infinite Knobs.

Check out their MySpace page.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Done with Shane, on to Alisha

I finished up the Shane Hastings project a while ago, he is thrilled. Apparently he is writing new songs and might be coming back.

Now it is on to Alisha Kelsey. She is a singer songwriter that i have been working with, and we have been tracking a few songs. She has a nice voice, and writes interesting songs. We are 1/2 way through tracking demos and then we are planning to actually record her album here in the studio, with me engineering and producing a little.

I will post a couple tracks here soon.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

The Shane Hastings Project is almost in the can

1: Mind Bender
2: Quadshot
3: French Roast
4: Beanjuice
5: Vanillaroma
6: Extra Foam

We did 3 tracking sessions, 2 songs per, a couple hours of mix/master per song and here it is. Check it out. Once the final final mixes are done I will post here.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

The Mic cabinet

Originally uploaded by robisonpdx.
If I actually had a thing called a Mic Cabinet, this is what would be in there.

In the back row:
MXL 992
Superlux CM-H8A
AKG Perception 200
MXL 990
Sennheisser e609 (2)
Shure SM57 (2)
Sure SM58
Sennheiser MD 431
Audix OM2

These are not elite mics by any means, but they are all useful for certain things, and have certain character. It is the ability to use the right tools, and get the most out of the tools that you have that matters.

We love our "mic cabinet".

Free Sticker Contest

Shoot me an email for a free Mt. Tabor Recording Studio Sticker.

I am going to make up some small print here:

I reserve the right to decide to end the contest whenever I want, I reserve the right to not send you a sticker if I want, and I reserve the right to send you a bunch of stickers if I want. Basically it is my contest and I will do with it what I please. Keep in mind i want to see if anyone reads this, and maybe meet some other cool folks who are interested in recording, music and studios. Give me a shout!

Ahhh . . . Daylight!!

Originally uploaded by robisonpdx.
It has been a long time!

the security look from out front

Originally uploaded by robisonpdx.